Saturday, August 19, 2006

Welcome Back

I'm working my ass for about a week and some and it is a hard work building a stage for a dance company that want the people to see the show from beneath - means the viewers are going to seat under the stage - anyway its good money - and I need it.
About the job interviews I went to a few (something like 8 interviews) some of them I went coz I wanted to check my self out and see how I handle it, some coz the job was interesting and some I really don't know why I did. Anyhow some want you some don't and about the Opera the job I really want well.... I went through the first interview with the props department and now I got an interview with the opera human resources manager and a graphologist (why?) and its like a week or more between one to the other and well I want the job I think I can tribute to them as much as they can tribute to me - an I think they want me so . . . . What Da fuck why drag it so long I need a job - if not by the end of this month I'll have to take something (means a job) and I want it to be the set designer at the Opera, I don't wanna wait coz I need an apartment till the end of the month and I ain't gonna sign for one if I don't have money to pay the rent.

so... ahhhhhhhhhhh I'll stop bitching for now, just got the new Jurassic 5 album - Feedback and I'm gonna seat down and listen to it - we where waiting a long time for this one to come out - so.... Till next time love and care.

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