Sunday, July 30, 2006

I hate Freelance !!!! I think !!!!!

I hate freelance jobs, I do , I really hate them. Mainly coz I don't have a regular one, the one you hate (well you don't have to) but the one you wake up every morning (and it doesn't have to be a 9 to 5 job) and go to. So....When you got one and you get to do a freelance job it's cool you get more money by the end of the month or whenever you get paid - but - when all you do is freelance - one month is cool and the others can be jobless. I can rant all day coz right now I got Bobckes, I got Nada, Gurnishet, Ziltch, Zero, Nothing . . . I got no job no one wants me.

Well now I got time to write, to spill my guts all around this place so.... I did business cards (or calling card if you want) for the exhibition so people can remember me or my work, now, you don't do that coz you think somebody will call you , well I don't think somebody will call me anyway. But you do that. So the idea is to make it (the biz card) cool so the people that take it (first of all will take it) and then when they look at it at home or wherever mainly not near your work they'll remember the work. That's good right ? But you don't want it (again the card) to be too cool or nice coz you don't want everyone that walks by your work will take one and when its really needed coz there are designers and scouts that are coming and you want them to have one to take.
well I'm talking rubbish aren't I well I'm tired from looking for a job and all the ones I really wants are already taken - like I missed them in a week - but that's how it is its the end of the year (a university year) so everybody is looking for a job and only a fuck up like me wanna make toys. (I really tried not to curse but it slipped at the end - sorry!)

the picture is a never to be release "kill Da Bunee" issue for Toy2R that I did and hate there for will never send too.

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